lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

Fuentes II: Some useful photography links

Sigo con la serie sobre fuentes de información en la Internet. En esta ocasión me vais a permitir que aproveche el texto de un mensaje que envié hace poco a un amigo aunque esté en inglés. Este era el texto:

I would like to share with you some of the sites I use to visit to enjoy and learn about photography and, also, see what other pro and amateur photographer do.

This first web page is a nice place to learn basic concept in photography. From depth of field to tilt and shift. Here, another one with useful tips and basic concept:

THE place to learn about lighting and flash use is this
They have a course (lighting 101) and now they are working in a new edition Lighting 102. Also many tips and examples (On assignment) where you can try to reproduce the results.

Photography is an expensive hobby so why not to try to save some bucks if you can made some accessories instead of buying them. This are the places (check for art or photography sections) and
From tripod to flash cables or replacing a broken part of your camera. Just more fun.

This one is funny. They organized contest and activities and give present to the participants like one week of rental for a lens or special equipment.

Nowadays most photographer that want to make money use microstock. Collection or databases where you place your photos (they will check for quality to accept them). They offer the photos at different rates and, if anyone buy your photo, you get paid for it. Some places pay up to 65% to the owner. In this world there is a guy that sell more photos than anyone else. This is his site:

I know you use photoshop, but there is another free option for this software, GIMP. Here is a good place with tutorial and videos with different techniques and tips.

In the same line of tutorial for an application we have Screencasters The best place to learn the use of Inkscape. Do not miss the microsode videos.

These are some of the best world photographer. The first three work for magazine like National Geographics and they share their methods and techniques in their blog. The last two links are from a professional studio photographer in Cyncinaty. He made last year a blog to share his experience about bussiness, equipment, budget and so on. Nice guy with a small studio but with a real good name between the North American professional. Often referred by the first three in they blogs.

A guy who love photography and live next to Yellowstone really worth a visit

Last, but not least, a good site to see photojournalist. Big pictures of exceptional quality about the on going news around the world. Only one year working but already one of the most visited and linked photo place in the web.


¿todo en inglés? ¿No hay sitios en español? Pues si, y muy buenos, pero por eso mismo le dedicaré una entrada aparte ya que esta se estaba alargando mucho.


1 comentario:

Patricia Casal dijo...

Caray, qué despliegue! Están genial, uf...hace falta tiempo para verlo todo. Gracias!